Neath Port Talbot Council

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Welcome to Neath Port Talbot Council



Do you have a D-Day, World War Two or other military story to tell?

During this year’s Armed Forces Week and in the year that marks the 80th anniversary of the Normandy Landings, Neath Port Talbot Council is looking for local stories which capture the county borough’s proud military heritage.

Help shape plans to develop outdoor events and festivals in Neath and Port Talbot

Whether you are a resident, visitor or event organiser, Neath Port Talbot Council wants your views and ideas to help shape and influence future plans for outdoor public events and festivals in the county borough over the next decade.

Tata Steel Transition

An online hub with information, help and support for people and businesses affected by Tata Steel Transition.

Help with the Cost of Living

We want to make sure all Neath Port Talbot residents get the financial help and support available to them.

What's On in NPT

Find events in Neath Port Talbot

Have your say

Provide feedback on topics relevant to Neath Port Talbot